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SBI PO Preparation 2021 complete details

 SBI PO Preparation strategy 2021

Hello friends, again welcome to this prominent topic of many friends of mine asking again and again. Now we will see the following content:-
1. Preparation strategy of SBI PO Exam
2. Tips and tricks
3. Books recommendations
4. Syllabus
5. Exam pattern
6. Final message
Note: Sequence of this content can be different. 
Also, if you're preparing for any other competitive exam you can visit this link
Let's start:-

For any banking exam preparation like SBI PO, a major problem that the students face is, which Books should they follow? Apart from online preparation through mock test or notes, one should also go through certain important books that will help them cover their SBI PO syllabus and practice in a better way. We have received many queries from our students asking about the books that should be followed for SBI PO 2020 exam preparation. Today, we will discuss this issue and give you an overview of some important books that you must prefer to prepare for SBI PO in a better way.

SBI PO Books for Prelims 2020

In this post, we are giving you an idea about the SBI PO 2020 Exam paper pattern and are telling you about the best books for each subject to boost up your SBI PO 2020 preparation. 

Quantitative Aptitude

This section is the most time-consuming. You have to maintain speed and accuracy to score well in this section. You can't waste your time here. This section requires practice and only practice holds the key to success. So, practice as much as you can. While attempting questions set the timer in your mobile and evaluate your own speed. 

  SBI PO Prelims (Quantitative Aptitude) SBI PO Mains (Data Analysis & Interpretation)
Time Limit 20 Minutes 45 Minutes
Number of questions 35 Questions 35 Questions
Maximum Marks 35 Marks 60 Marks
 Syllabus: -

Number series,
Square root and cube root,
Partnerships, Percentage, Ratio and proportions, Average & Ages Ratio & Proportion. Profit and loss, Simple interest and compound interest, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Average, Mensuration, Permutation and combination, Data tables, Probability, Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Mixed graphs, Case study.
Important Books for SBI PO Quantitative Aptitude
Here is a list of important books that may help you to speed up your preparation for the quantitative aptitude section of SBI PO exam.  

Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R. S Agarwal (S. Chand Publication)
Data Interpretation by Arun Sharma (TMH Publication)
Magical Book on Quicker Mathematics by M Tyra (BSC Publication)
Quantum Cat by Sarvesh Kumar Verma
Out of the aforementioned books, "Magical Book on Quicker Mathematics by M Tyra" and "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R. S Agarwal" are basic in nature and will help you clear your concepts efficiently. Students can consult other books can be consulted for advanced studies. So, based on the level of your banking exam preparation, choose any one of the aforementioned books and start your SBI PO 2020 exam preparation. 

Preparation Strategy:

SBI Main exam has a section dedicated to majorly Data Analysis & Data Interpretation. Most of the students find it difficult to solve the DI section. In order to be good at Date interpretation Section, you need to have better clarity of some topics listed below:

1) Learn shortcuts for multiplication, square and division.
2) Master your percentage calculation.

3) Understand the use of percentage to do fraction conversion with ease.

Along with the above-mentioned books, you can go through the various videos on youtube related to Quantitative Aptitude to get better clarity on various topics. There are various videos on YouTube for Quantitative Aptitude which are for either CAT, GMAT or other exams; go through them to get better clarity of topics. Practice more to develop a good speed and accuracy over the calculations.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz

Reasoning and Computer Aptitude
Reasoning section is becoming difficult every year and we can expect the same this year. First of all, understand the basic concepts of each topic. Practice different types of questions from previous year papers, online study material and understand the logic used behind them. As per last year's trend, this year also we can expect the following exam pattern:

  SBI PO Prelims (Reasoning Ability) SBI PO Mains (Reasoning & Computer Aptitude)
Time Limit 20 Minutes 60 Minutes
Number of questions 35 Questions 45 Questions
Maximum Marks 35 Marks 60 Marks
Syllabus: -

Coding & Decoding,
Syllogisms, Puzzles (Especially Seating Arrangement),
Blood Relations, Direction Sense Problems, Data Sufficiency Problems,
Series Problem,
Input-Output/ Sequential Output Tracing,
Statement-Assumption/Conclusion/Argument/Course of Action,
Ordering and Ranking.
Important books for SBI PO Reasoning Ability Preparation
Here is the list of books important for the preparation of Reasoning and Computer Aptitude section of SBI PO exam. 

A modern approach to verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal
(Verbal Reasoning - Blood Relations, Coding-decoding, Input-Output, Critical Reasoning (Statement-Assumption, Strong & Weak Arguments, Courses of Action), Direction Sense)
Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
(Analytical Reasoning – Seating Arrangements, Grouping, Selection etc.)
A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal by BS Sijwali, Indu Sijwali
How to Crack Test of Reasoning: In All Competitive Exam (English) by Arihant Publication
Again, if you are looking to clear your basic concepts, "A modern approach to verbal Reasoning by R.S Agarwal" will help you with it. You can pick any one of the other mentioned books for advanced preparation.

English Language

Most of the aspirants don't take English preparation seriously. But aspirants who are aware of SBI PO's exam pattern knows the importance of this section. So you have to give an equal amount of importance as you plan to give to the Quant and the Reasoning section.

  SBI PO Prelims SBI PO Mains 
Time Limit 20 Minutes 40 Minutes
Number of questions 30 Questions 35 Questions
Maximum Marks 30 Marks 40 Marks
 Syllabus -

Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Error detection, Grammar, Idioms, and Phrases, Para jumbles, Cloze Test, Fill in the blanks, Reading Comprehension. 
Important books for SBI PO English Language Preparation-
High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
Objective General English by SP Bakshi (Arihant Publication)
Mirror of Common Errors
Use in order to increase your vocabulary.
To score well in the English language section, good command over grammar and vocabulary are important. Hence, the books "High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin" and "Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis" become important for this. For topic-level preparation and practice, "Objective General English by SP Bakshi" will be helpful.

Along with the aforementioned books, develop a habit to read a newspaper (The Economist and The Hindu are recommended), it will not only improve your vocabulary but also improve your reading speed that would benefit you during the exam.

Preparation Strategy -

The prerequisite for improving your English is that you must know most of the meaning of English words i.e. your vocabulary must be very vast. Without this, you may not be able to read as you will find it difficult to read.
For the grammar section, we will suggest you have a good hold on Tenses. 
In order to have a good grip on the reading comprehension or comprehension part of the exam, your reading speed must be good enough. It can be improved by reading the newspaper, books, and articles over the internet.

General/Economy/Banking Awareness
General awareness can prove to be a game-changing section if you prepare it well. Daily newspaper reading is a must if you want to excel.

This section is not asked in the SBI PO Prelims phase. 

SBI PO Mains 
Time Limit 35 Minutes
Number of questions 40 Questions
Maximum Marks 40 Marks
Syllabus - 

Current Affairs,
Awards & Honours Sports,
Finance, Agriculture,
Indian Economy, International-Economy,
UNO, Marketing, Indian Constitution, etc.
History of Banking,
current affairs of the last six months,
countries/currencies, Books & Their Authors, Banking Terms,
RBI, Fiscal-Monetary Policies,
Static gk. 
Important Books for SBI PO General Awareness Preparation
Banking Awareness :

Banking Awareness Handbook of Banking 

Banking Awareness by Arihant Publication
Static GK :

Static GK General Knowledge by Arihant

Lucent General Knowledge
Current Affairs :


Daily News (TV or Internet)
Monthly Magazines
Preparation Strategy :

Keep yourself updated with the current happening all around the world especially in financial, economy and banking sector. 
While preparing for GK Section try to keep a map with you; country's map as well as the world's map and where ever you encounter a new place try to locate it on the map. It will help you to memorize it better.
I think you have been acknowledged by what is mentioned above. Also be calm while giving the exam and do your best.

Also, I have added a new surprise feature for all of you my dear friend in home page.
To explore that surprise feature visit Home Page. Moreover  the second half of this article including the syllabus and tips are on the other pages . The link is given below check out the page :


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