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What is special in arihant books Class 10?

 What is special in arihant books Class 10?

I will try to answer all the queries related to it . So, please read complete post and have idea about CBSE or any other board class 10 examination. 
Total information about class 10 arihant books
I have covered speciality in arihant books and subject which will need it.
Being myself scored 95% + in the above have an experience to let you know the best of the best which I knew.
If you are thinking to prepare for jee mains and advanced and want to know which books to follow then this below given post will surely help..

What is special in arihant books Class 10?

So, to save your time I will give overview :-
Arihant is good in social science, hindi and english majorly. To know deeply please read this complete post.

I will also answer why not to follow arihant books for maths and science ?
For every subject I will mentioning books and tips alongwith it.

 For maths - Best book for math is R D Sharma.(u can follow RS aggrawal also)
Also u should be thorough with each example and problem of NCERT.

# For science - u can follow S Chand , it is a nice book and have a lot of problems of each topic. If u want deep knowledge and better understanding,u can follow pradeep as well.

# For English - u can follow golden (probably the best book for English)

# For Hindi - It's a very selective thing.

U can go for Sanjeev(personal) if possible otherwise student advisor will be good.

# Social science - Arihant's all in one is the Bible for sst.

Here, I am sharing the books we referred to and the benefits you can get from particular book:

Beginning of academic year

NCERT books for all subjects-

To understand the complete syllabus and build concepts.
NCERT helps you to get the grip on 3m and 5m questions.
Focus on NCERT questions, every chapter has 30-40 questions including in-text and exercises based.
Question included VSA/SA/LA type not the new pattern based.

NCERT Exemplar for Science and Maths-

As we started finishing chapters one by one for Science and Maths we started solving Exemplar questions of different types Chapter-wise. This book is totally optional.

After 1-2 months --

Reference book for Maths only, NCERT is enough to cover the syllabus but Maths require more practice to solve every type of question and for that we referred to RS Agarwal book.

After August --

Question Bank-

We almost completed our syllabus 1 time till June and then started doing practice through question bank.

we found it the best as we got all the Previous 10 years questions in it. MCQs/VSA/SA/LA, along with toppers solved questions and all other answers with detailed step by step explanation, solutions as per CBSE Marking scheme, question related theories are also added that help us to crack all other questions related to the topic. Arihant question bank is also a good one.

After almost syllabus is being complete --

CBSE Sample Paper released in october so we got the idea of the structure of the upcoming exam.

But we knew that definitely one sample paper is not enough to score the best so you can bought Oswal sample paper for CBSE class 10 latest pattern or arihant sample paper CBSE class 10 Those sample papers were not less than a blessing for us as the topper’s solved answer sheet helped us to understand the pattern to represent the answers in the exam and the last year board paper given in it with the CBSE.

Previous year paper for CBSE class 10th Oswall or arihant -- 
It depends on you as you will have to decide which suited you the best. In my suggestion, if you are confident than you should go with arihant and if you didn't have confidence than Oswal is best for you.

New pattern MCQ type questions 2022 --

You have to remember only this points to be best, I'm concluding them:-
Make NCERT your bible

The language used in NCERT books is lucid and simple which makes it very easy to learn. So before you head on to other books, make sure you have instilled the entire lessons well.

Write and practice

Just reading will never reach you to your goal. Hence, ensure you read them well and practice them ahead by writing down the answer. Writing is the best method of practicing.

Practice sample papers

Sample papers can guide in understanding how to speed up your writing. Moreover, answering MCQs and practicing continuously will help in gaining a grip on the answers and solving them better.

Solve questions from reference books

Reference books offer an added insight into the topic in addition to presenting a wide range of MCQs to solve that are arranged randomly.

Make complete use of the opportunity and gain your command on MCQs which when solved consciously can add on to your percentage.

Hope for the best for you and share this post with your friends.
All the best for your class 10 examination 👍
Feel free to share your thoughts and doubts every comment will get answer.


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