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Rajasthan RPSC Exam complete details for self study students

      Rajasthan RPSC Exam

Hello friends, here you will get complete details of Rajasthan RPSC Exam. Before starting let's talk about other exam to be given except rpsc. If you're looking for any other examination you can visit SBI PO ,

Table of contents :-
1. Pre 
2. Mains
3. Interview

Self study students preparing for Rajasthan RPSC Exam can note all the points below for their further help.

RPSC RAS Preliminary Exam Pattern 2022 ( if)-:

The RPSC RAS Pre test is a screening test that contains objective-type various decision questions (MCQs) of 200 imprints. Screening test essentially implies that imprints got by applicants in the primer test are not checked at the hour of planning of the last RPSC RAS test merit list. The starter test is a first channel of the RPSC RAS Exam. 

The norm of inquiries posed in the RAS Pre test is of graduation level. Subjects from which inquiries are posed in the paper are General Knowledge and General Science. 

RPSC RAS Preliminary Exam Subject 

RPSC RAS Preliminary Exam Marks 

RPSC RAS Preliminary Exam Time 

General Knowledge 


3 hours 

General Science 

Peruse Here: RPSC Syllabus 

RPSC RAS Main Exam Pattern 

The Main test of RPSC RAS comprises of a sum of four papers of 200 denotes each. It is obligatory for contender to show up for every one of the four papers. Each paper contains distinct/insightful (brief, medium, long reply and unmistakable sort questions) questions. Applicants need to finish each paper in a period term of three hours. 

RPSC RAS Main Exam Paper Number 

RPSC RAS Main Exam Paper Name 

RPSC RAS Main Exam Marks 

General Studies-I 



General Studies-II 



General Studies-III 



General Hindi and General English 




Note: Standard of inquiries posed in General Hindi and General English is of class twelfth level. 

RPSC RAS Interview Pattern 

Applicants shortlisted based on RPSC RAS Main test at long last need to show up for the meeting round. The RPSC RAS meet round is otherwise called a character test or viva-voce and it conveys a weightage of 100 imprints. 

In the RAS meet round, up-and-comers are assessed based on the accompanying boundaries: 



Information on Rajasthani culture 

Note: For determination to Rajasthan Police Service (RPS), inclination at the hour of meeting is given to applicants having 'C' authentication of NCC. 

RPSC RAS Exam Pattern: Important Points 

A portion of the focuses that up-and-comers should remember with respect to RPSC RAS test design are: 

Every one of the papers (Pre and Main) can be replied in English or Hindi language. Be that as it may, up-and-comers are not permitted to answer a paper halfway in Hindi and English, except if indicated to do as such 

In case an applicant's penmanship isn't obvious to the inspector, a derivation is produced using the all out marks got by the up-and-comer 

As per the authority notice of the test, "Credit will be given for organized, successful and accurate articulation joined with due economy of words in all subjects of the assessment."

Know about RPSC in detail :- 

For students knowing what is rpsc is really very important. So here is information from their website specially presented by us.

Rajasthan Public Service Commission has had a glorious past of nearly 50 years. During 1923, the Lee Commission had recommended setting up of a Central Public Service Commission in India, but it did not give much thought to the need of establishing similar commissions in provinces. It was left largely to the discretion of provincial Governments to recruit and exercise control over their Services, as they thought proper.

At the time of formation of Rajasthan, the institution of Public Service Commission existed in only three of the twenty-two covenanting states viz. Jaipur, Jodhpur and Bikaner.

The successor administration after the merger of the princely states promulgated an ordinance on 16th August,1949 establishing the Rajasthan Public Service Commission Ajmer. It was published in Raj. Gazette at 20th August,1949 and it came into effect from this date. It provided for the abolition of the PSCs or other institution performing duties in the nature of those of a PSC in the constituent states. The ordinance also provided inter-alia, for the composition of the Commission, the staff and the functions of the Commission.

Initially the composition of the Commission was one Chairman and 2 Members. Sir S.K.Ghosh (also the then Chief Justice of Rajasthan) was appointed Chairman.

Subsequently Shri DeviShankar Tiwari and Shri N.R.Chandorkar were appointed Members and Shri S.C. Tripathi (I.E.S) formerly a member of the Federal PSC was appointed as Chairman.

In the year 1951 in order to regulate the working of the Commission, the Rajpramukh issued the following Regulations under the provisions of the Constitution of India.

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Conditions of Service) Regulation,1951 and
The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) Regulation,1951.

In view of its important and impartial function, Public Service Commissions rightly find a place of pride in the Indian Constitution. Articles 16, 234, 315 to 323 deal with various functions and powers of the Public Service Commissions. The working of Rajasthan Public Service Commission is also regulated by Rajasthan Public Service Commission Rules & Regulation, 1963 , Rules framed by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission for conduct of their Business and the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (Regulations and validation of Procedure ordinance 1975 & Act 1976).

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